Whether you are looking to improve the mood or productivity of your team, you need to make sure you are providing a workplace that people want to be a part of. It shouldn’t just be about productivity, it should be more about the atmosphere, and making the job rules more valuable for your employees. Improving the conditions of your workplace will help you to retain your best employees and hire new employees who you want.
Photo by Memento Media on Unsplash
Let’s have a look at some of the ways you can do this below:
When you are in an office for hours on end, it can sometimes feel as though you are trapped inside, this is really bad for the morale of your team. If your office is dark and not letting in light, you and your employees are missing out on the vital vitamin D that they need, which is terrible for mental health. You need to look to change this as a priority. Making sure you have plenty of windows, desks near windows, and outdoor spaces your employees can retreat to should help them to get the neutral light that they need.
You may not realize this, but your team will thrive when they have the recognition that they deserve. Even if they are just completing their job role, they are still an asset to your business, and this should be rewarded. Think about organizing an annual company event where you organized music, live entertainment, toilet block hire, food, and more. Not only this, but you should also provide recognition on a daily or weekly basis, especially when you notice that your employees are working extremely hard to hit targets or go above and beyond. Another great way to reward your employees is to offer them extra time off for their efforts.
It’s one thing having your employee work hard for you, it’s another when you are expecting them to meet unrealistic goals. This is usually when something very wrong will happen. It’s never good to overwork or expect too much from your employees. It is terrible for morale and productivity will probably go the opposite way to what you want. It can be difficult to get the balance right, however, if you speak to your employees they will be able to help you to set the goals that are right for the team.
Communication is an essential part of your business and it can’t be underestimated. Just because you might be the boss, doesn’t mean you can’t be on the same level and understanding as your employees. In fact, getting on well with your team can pay massive dividends and lead to your team being happier. Talk to your employees, learn who they are, and understand what might be impacting them.
These tips should help you to create a happier working environment. Do you have any other tips that could help? We’d love to hear them in the comments below.