No matter what kind of industry you operate within, you are doing your business a disservice if you do not have an online presence. This is due to the simple fact that going online - whether that means you set up a social media account or build a website - makes your company or business more accessible. It also allows you to enhance your brand’s reputation and connect with customers on a deeper level (even if it is behind a screen).
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash
With that in mind, here are some tips that you can use to curate the perfect online presence for your company.
Keep your social media ‘social’.
social media can be used as an effective marketing tool to promote new services or products, it’s important that your content does not seem too advertorial. For example, while the occasional advert is okay, it shouldn’t make up 100% of the content you post - as this will quickly turn away customers or come across too forced. Instead, you should focus on keeping your social media ‘social’, by actively engaging with your customers and followers.
Be a pioneer within your industry.
Another way in which you can curate the perfect online presence for your brand is by ensuring that you use it as a way to stay on top (or even ahead) of industry trends. For example, if you work within the healthcare industry, you can use online portals to connect with your patients. Not only do
Patient portals improve engagement, but they can also make your day to day life easier by allowing them to book or request an appointment online as opposed to doing so over the phone.
Update your website.
Another way in which you can improve your online presence is by ensuring that you update your website regularly. This way, you can stay on top of current trends and ensure that all of the information you present online is up to date. Furthemore, by regularly viewing your website from the customers perspective, you’ll be able to ensure that there are now bugs or glitches on your site.
Start running a blog.
Adding a blog to your website is another great way to improve your company’s online presence for multiple reasons. To begin with, it can increase the visibility of your website as it allows you to better incorporate
SEO keywords and phrases into your content. Secondly, it can help you boost your brand’s credibility, as you can post blogs that present your brand as innovative and well-informed industry leaders.
Ensure that you make your website more accessible.
One of the easiest ways to improve your online presence is by ensuring that you make both your website and social media content more accessible. This ensures that each and every one of your customers can navigate their way through your site or engage with your content. Thankfully, there are various ways in which you can go about making your content more accessible - for example, you could begin to add subtitles or audio descriptions to your videos.